15 July
The mechanics of seeing. Peter Millican gives Oxford 16 min 1st year philosophy lecture on Making Sense of Perception.
19 August
Were the eye not attuned to the Sun,
The Sun could never be seen by it. Goethe
Read ch 1 of Perception and Discovery http://evansexperientialism.freewebspace.com/hanson.htm) by N.R. Hanson
16 September
Evidence: is seeing always believing? 9 min 2006 film by
“Koyaanisqatsi” director Godfrey Reggio
21 October
Where and what is colour? Colour theories of Newton and Goethe
18 November
Imagination- what is it? Manic 4min film by Jason Silva, the infinite possibilities of imagination to create the world See also Maxine Greene, Mary Warnock
16 December
The Third Eye and the sense of being stared at. What does the blind prophet see? Derrida
L’Aveugle .