The Tingrith thinkfests start again, at the meetinghouse, 24 Hobson Road, Osmington on the third Sunday of each month 2-5 pm.
$10 donation per session covers afternoon tea.
For this series the theme is an women be philosophers??
Contact Felicity 97574014
January 18th Hypatia (370-415). The risk of superiority.
February 15th Virginia Woolf. Do women need a room of their own?
March 15th Simone de Beauvoir. One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman.
April 19th Dame Mary Warnock. The truths of the imagination.
May 17th Iris Murdoch. The journey to the Sovereign Good.
June 21st Germaine Greer. Not to be trifled with.
July 19th bell hooks. Passionate politics.