Accommodation costs


Self-catering accommodation:

A flat rate of $310 for the first 4 people and $30 per additional person (25 people max.) per night ($15 for children if they are sleeping in the meeting house, and $10 if in the studio). There is a surcharge of $100 per night in peak time (school holidays and long weekends)


Workshops, seminars and conferences for which registration is charged.

Available 4pm Friday through to midday Sunday   $2000. There is no  additional accommodation fee which can be included in your registration fees to cover the cost of hiring the venue.


Booking Terms

A one night deposit is required at time of booking.  Balances are payable one month prior to stay.
Cancellation Policy:

Deposits refunded for bookings cancelled more than one month prior to arrival.
Payments refunded for bookings cancelled less than one month prior to arrival if period is re-booked.
An 5% administration fee applies to all cancellations.

Published by


I am retired from The University of Western Australia where I taught in Philosophy of Education 1976-2005. I now live in a magnificent 118 acre farm (50 acres of which are natural bush, with jarrah and marri stands) 21kms from Margaret River, and I raise poultry, grow stone fruit trees, figs, citrus trees and make my own olive oil. I have built a meeting house for different people to meet together on the edge of a 30metre diametre lavender maze

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